20th September 2024

Search Rosliston Parish Council

Local Plan Consultation Drop in events

Please see attached for full details of the Local Plan Consultation Drop in events.

South Derbyshire has an adopted Local Plan which sets out where new housing, employment, retail, and other development should go, up to 2028. The Local Plan also includes policies that are used to determine planning applications.

Government policy requires that Local Plans are reviewed every five years to see if they need updating and the Council has decided that the time is right to update the Local Plan.

This 'Issues and Options' consultation, is the first formal consultation as part of this update to the Local Plan. Its purpose is to ensure that the Emerging Local Plan covers all the right issues including housing, jobs, infrastructure, health, climate change and the built and natural environment. We would like to hear your views and ideas on the issues and options we will need to take into account.

The consultation will commence on 10th October 2022